Computational Graph

Shudhanshu Abhinav
10 min readDec 13, 2022


The concept of Deep learning is changing daily. Nowadays, the motive of Deep learning is shifting towards the Graphical representation of Networks, and this is because of the evolution of data structure and efficient computations. This all started with the ability of the structure of a graph to solve massive relations problem and supports distributed computing. Whenever the same type of structure is applied to the state of the algorithm of machine learning then only evolution takes place. And so, the evolution of technology can be seen from implementation in simple Matrix Factorization and linear regression algorithms to Graph Neural Networks. In the past few years, the development of different variants of Graphical Convolutional Networks has been discovered with Graph Convolutional Networks counted to be one of them.

So, in today’s article, we will know more about Computational Graph and we will also dive deeper into its concept. And also I will let you know the compatibility and all-time evolution of the Computational Network through time.


Relational model data structures called graph can define information as a whole. It is a nonlinear compilation of nodes and linkages. Only graphs can accurately depict real-world data, including your social networks on LinkedIn and Facebook, the Movie on Netflix catalog, Google Earth, and path optimizations. Let’s take example of a family tree.

In the family tree graph (G), every member of the family is a vertex (V), with relations indicated by edge (E). It is necessary to know a family member’s relation in order to extract information about that person; otherwise, the information would appear insufficient. Each branch and link contains special information and significance. Moreover, several representations of the same graph are possible; for example, the ancestral network can also be shown bottom-up with various link values.

Computational Graph

Graph having algebraic equation data are known as computation graphs. They are a type of directed graph that depicts an expression in mathematics. Calculating postfixes, infixes, and prefixes is an often used example. An operation, a variable, or an equation itself can be found at any given node in the network. In the majority of computer computing, these graphs are used.

Graph having algebraic equation data are known as computation graphs. They are a type of directed graph that depicts an expression in mathematics. Calculating postfixes, infixes, and prefixes is an often used example. An operation, a variable, or an equation itself can be found at any given node in the network. In the majority of computer computing, these graphs are used.

Advantages of Graph

Graph offer a special framework that can depict a variety of real-world issues. The order is given less importance than it would in ordinary columns or matrix. Each component needs the others in order to function as a whole. All theories and forecasts based on it have this relationship as their primary tenet. There are also many advantages of it like:

Node Link Structure: Graphs have a clear link structure like node that can hold a large amount of information. Only in this format can issues that are network-based and relational be addressed. Although there are various structures to represent graphs, such as matrix and treemaps, the basic composition is more important.

Distributed Computation: Large complications containing trillions of vertices /atoms must be addressed by a distributed network or core. The ability of distributed computing to be directly implemented in graphs allows for significant computation savings and a decrease in time complexity.

Relational Issues — Typically, users deal across datasets that have separate inputs tags and values, as well as their corresponding independent outcomes. How about if I desired to create a movie prediction all by myself using my previous viewings, favorite actors, soundtrack, and other factors? Graphs are the only way to tackle this relational challenge. Clustering might be identified even when unsupervised learning was used, but not the precise label or relationship. We’ll attempt to comprehend such a Netflix movie prediction issue in brief.

Graphs in ML

Neural networks are all graphs used for computing. Not just that but graph can also be employed to illustrate other methods, such as linear regression. Installation is the primary distinction between neural networks and conventional graphs. Although neural networks may manage input that resembles graphs, they tend to imitate computation graphs during learning. For them to function, standardized data is required.

Let’s think of it in terms of neural network forward propagation.

Think of it as an 8-node, 16-link graph. The buried layers nodes were closely related to the x1 & x2 input neuron (nodes). Finally, these nodes are linked together in a manner akin to an output nodeoutput nodes. The buried module receives the data from x1, x2. A = WX + B is the concealed layer’s formula. These values are activated by the linkages that interconnect the concealed and output layers. H = functional is its formula (A). Additionally, the output unit goes through the same process. Generally, a forward propagation formula in neurons can be represented by this graph.

Derivatives on Computational Graphs

Understanding derivatives just on vertices is crucial if someone wishes to comprehend derivatives in a computational network. If one has an immediate impact on c, we want to know exactly. How well does c alter if a slight change happens in a? The partial derivative of c with regard to an is what we refer to as.

The sum rule and the product rule are necessary to assess the partial derivatives in this graph:

The derivative on each edge of the graph is labelled below.

How about if someone wanted to comprehend underlying interactions between vertices which aren’t formally attached? Let’s think about how a affects e. If humans modify the at a velocity of 1, c will follow suit. E changes at a velocity of 2 as just a result of c changing at the velocity of 1. As a result, e alters in relation to being an at a rate of 1/2.

Its basic rule would be to combine the derivatives on each edge of the path together and total over in all branching paths through one node to another. As an illustration, here is the derivative of e with regard to b:

It explains how b impacts e both directly and indirectly through c and d.

The multivariate chain rule is simply another way of thinking about the generic “sum over pathways” concept.

Factoring Path

The issue of simply “summarising so over paths” is the fact that the number of potential paths might easily explode combinatorially.

Three pathways lead from X to Y and 3 more lead through Y to Z inside the figure shown. Summarizing on 33=9 pathways is necessary to obtain the derivatives ZX by summing over all routes:

Even though the depicted graph only has nine paths, it would be simple to have that number increase exponentially as the complexity of the graph increased.

It would be much better to factor the pathways rather than simply sum them:

“Upwards mode differentiation” and “backward differentiation” are useful in this situation. They are approaches for quickly solving the pathways and calculating the sum. They compute the same amount relatively effectively by recombining pathways rather than manually adding up each of the routes.

Forward mode Differentiate begins from a graphs inputs & advances more towards the output. It adds up every one of the connections flowing into each nodes. Every one of these routes shows how the inputs can influence the component in a different way. The overall amount of influence the source has on the network, or its derivatives, can be calculated by adding them all up.

Upwards differentiation is nearly identical to just what we intuitively learnt to perform if anyone attended an intro to calculus class, even if we presumably didn’t think of it in terms of graphs.

On the contrary hand, backward differentiation advances forward toward the commencement from the graph’s outputs. This combines all pathways which started at every node where they were located.


Nowadays, machine learning is used in numerous autonomous sectors & delivers cutting-edge outcomes to numerous businesses & academic institutions. The deployment of several real world applications, including social networking sites, domain knowledge, and many others, in addition to effective parallel computation & stable graph structure lead to distributed information computing. Combining both technologies would lead to significant advantages in addition to new fields of study for improved productivity and advancement.

Graphical Engine Frameworks

To reconcile graph with Ml techniques, multiple attempts had already been undertaken. Charts don’t have certain characteristics and is necessary as these methods to be trained. While merging graph computing and machine learning, the most pressing issues were lack sufficient looped capability, diversity and coherence in data, and data reduction. Models that addressed some of the problems were suggested by graph engine frameworks like TUX2 and GraphLab. They merged distributed graph processing, pattern mining, and latent Dirichlet allocation methods satisfactorily, but they were unable to create neurons. These engines solely made use of parallelization, unlike deep learning frameworks which can employ GPU for processing.

Computational Victories

One might have been wondering at about this moment how reverse mode distinction is important. It seems like an unusual approach to accomplish what the forward mode does. Are there any benefits?

Let’s go back to our first illustration:

With b up, you could employ forward-mode distinction. Thus provides us with each node’s derivatives with regard to b.

We have calculated eb, the output’s derivative with respect to one of the parameters.

What if we use e down to start the reverse mode differentiation? This provides us with the derivative of e for each node:

I actually do intend each nodes where I claim the reverse mode differentiation provides us with a derivative of e with regard to each node. You obtain ea and eb, which are e’s derivatives having regard including both inputs. Reverse mode broad differentiation strategy us with each of these, whereas forward mode differentiation only provided the variant of your outcome with regard to one input.

For with this graph, the speed increase is merely by a factor of 2, but consider a function with one source and a million inputs. To obtain the derivatives using forward mode differentiating, we would have to loop across the graphs multiple times. They can all be captured by reverse-mode differentiation in a single motion! It’s quite wonderful to speed things up by a million different ways!

Isn’t This Trivial?

My initial thought upon learning about training algorithm was, “Ah, that’s simply the chain rule! How did we not realise it earlier? I wasn’t the only individual who felt that way. It’s correct that such solution isn’t that tough if you question “Is there a sensible approach to calculate derivatives in feedforward neural networks?”

But in my opinion, it was considerably harder than it appeared to be. You see, the feedforward neural networks that we research weren’t given much attention when training algorithm was created. Derivatives weren’t necessarily the best way to train them, either. When you learn individuals can easily determine derivative, those become evident. A circular reliance existed.

Even worse, it would be simple to dismiss any aspect of the cyclic relationship as impossibly complex. Utilizing derivatives to train neural networks You’d undoubtedly end up caught in the neighbourhood minimum. And it goes without saying that computing each of these implications would really be pricey. The only explanation we really do not start outlining reasons why this strategy is unlikely to succeed right away would be because we understand it does.

That is the advantage of looking back. The toughest thing of answering the question has already been completed.


We have covered the fundamentals of graph, their importance in deep learning ML, and overall development over time. It makes sense how network neural networks evolved to their current state. This page provides answers to a few topics, along with how they came into being, why we require these, as well as what makes them special. I plan to write additional in-depth studies about GNNs & Python’s representation of them in near upcoming. You can buy derivative products for less money as you might imagine. The essential thing to learn from any of this posting is that. They are, in reality, surprisingly inexpensive, a truth that we naive people needed to continually discover. Understanding that is crucial for deep learning. Additionally, when it’s not widely known, it is even more helpful to know in other professions.

Exist any other classes? There probably are.

Understanding how derivatives flow through a model is also made easier with the use of stochastic gradient descent. This can be quite useful in explaining why some models are challenging to optimise. The issue of disappearing gradients in neural networks that recurrent is a well-known illustration of this. Ultimately, I assert that even these methods provide us a general algebraic lesson. Exact solution and quadratic programming are two effective strategies used by backpropagation and forward-mode differentiation to estimate derivative greater quickly than what one might anticipate. If you truly comprehend fundamental methods, you may use them to quickly calculate a number of other intriguing formulae that include derivatives. This will be covered in a subsequent blog entry.

Backpropagation is treated extremely abstractly in this piece. The chapter on it has a fantastic discussion that is particularly focused on neural network models, and I wholeheartedly suggest perusing it. Connect on GitHub and LinkedIn for new projects and articles if you want to stay up to date.



Shudhanshu Abhinav
Shudhanshu Abhinav

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